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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's the final countdown...

I'm clapped out on the clapotis. She is coming together nicely and I am sure she'll be warmly received but I only have a week to finish.... and the half way mark is only just in sight. I might have to keep her for myself. The £2 yarn is actually rather nice to work with. It's a purty colour...

The dropping of the stitches is deliciously good fun, although the first wonky one struck serious fear in me!

Meanwhile, on smaller needles, I completed the first sock and she fits perfectly:

She looks delicious avec a foot inside...

And I have no more time for blogging, just knitting.

Kelly [ 8:41 PM ]


oooh - that clappy, she takes forever doesn't she!! the rows are soooo long and it goes on and on and on and on. however, just started my decreases, so fingers crossed you'll get there soon!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:35 AM, April 27, 2006  

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